


I'm thinking I'd better get with some plant talk soon.... or I won't rightly be able to call this a garden blog!  But before I do, I've just got to put in a plug for the National WIldlife Federation's "Backyard Wildlife Habitat" program.

Your backyard can be certified as a "Wildlife Habitat."  All you need to do is provide elements from each of the following areas:

  • Food Sources. For example: Native plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, nectar

  • Water Sources. For example: Birdbath, pond, water garden, stream

  • Places for Cover. For example: Thicket, rockpile, birdhouse

  • Places to Raise Young. For example: Dense shrubs, vegetation, nesting box, pond

  • Sustainable Gardening. For example: Mulch, compost, rain garden, chemical-free fertilizer

When you certify with your application fee of $15, you’ll receive:

  • A personalized certificate that recognizes your NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat™.

  • A free NWF membership which includes a full year’s subscription to the award-winning National Wildlife® magazine.

  • A free subscription to the quarterly e-newsletter, Habitats, full of tips and information on gardening and attracting wildlife year after year.

  • Your name listed in NWF’s National registry of certified habitats.

Plus, a really cool sign for your garden! Sign

This could be a great gift for a gardener who loves birds and other wildlife, and whose hard work at keeping their garden safe and healthy for critters deserves recognition.

Plus, another cool thing is that the local kids will stop and look at the sign, and get their awareness raised.

Here is the link to the program:

Now, I'm off to refill the niger seed feeder, to keep the goldfinches around now that the thistle and other flowers are less abundant...